Skin Care + Oxygen

Basically low oxygen levels in the skin result in a dull appearance as well as

wrinkle formation, epidermal thinning, a decreased ability

to fight free radical scavengers, and unfavorable influences on the barrier function. So what can we do to improve oxygen levels in skin?

HBOT aka Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and other oxygen therapies are becoming more popular in the fight against age related pigment and aging skin.

The process in which concentrated 02 is delivered to the surface of the skin allows cutaneous uptake and delivers essential oxygen to the cells of the epidermis, providing positive results in stimulating elastin and collagen as well as combating effects of UV damage.

Unfortunately, not all "oxygen facials" are created equally and careful discernment should be taken with these kind of treatments/procedures to ensure actual 02 is in use, and not just some device blowing air and serum.

Today, we have seen "oxygen infused" and "oxygenating" products beginning to make their way into the marketplace.

One key point to consider when evaluating these products is, of course, the ingredients.

Does it list oxygen? If not, it could be creative marketing rather than a product that encourages actual cutaneous uptake.

The correlation between oxygen and a healthy, youthful, glowing complexion deserves our attention. Because our skin thrives and survives with a healthy dose of 02.

Of course, before you rush off to that oxygen facial or buy a full supply of "oxygenating" blah blah cream, take a deep breath and always check with a licensed provider.


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